Security and continuity

Get the ultimate cyber security protection

Cyber threats have been around since the 1980s, but the game has changed. These days cyber theft and espionage is a multi-billion-pound industry. Today’s AI-powered threats are adaptive and require a high of technicality to detect their behaviour. That’s where we come in!
Group IT Strategy overlay - String Systems

The String approach to cyber security


Defend your infrastructure

We apply a layered approach to threat protection, combining the latest generation of anti-virus, firewalls, mail and web filtering, intruder detection and prevention, data loss prevention and penetration and spoof testing.

Protect your endpoints

Your end user devices represent one of the greatest threats to your organisational and personal security. By combining Advanced Endpoint Protection, Mobile Device Management and the latest encryption technologies, we can help protect all of your devices from the latest generation of threats.

Prepare for the worst

Should the worst happen, our Business Continuity solutions can provide complete infrastructure recovery in under an hour, and recovery to less than an hour before an incident occurred.

Educate your people

With many cyber-attacks there tends to be a simple human error as a cause, such as sharing credentials or opening a phishing email or text. We’ll work with your staff and educate them on how to prevent themselves from falling victim to an attack.

Why choose String for your Security?

Protection and recovery

Our Security and Continuity Solutions provide protection and recovery from today’s and tomorrow’s ever-evolving cyber security threat landscape. Ensuring that your organisation can take advantage of the latest innovations without being exposed.

Integrated, next-gen security

Providing integrated next-generation security for your on-premises and hybrid cloud infrastructure components.

Mobile device management

Enable your organisation to manage and roll out company mobile devices easily. Encrypt data, wipe devices, keep emails secure, connect to Wi-Fi with added protection, centrally manage app installations and block offline devices.

Disaster recovery

Get back up and running quickly should the worst happen. Our Disaster Recovery solution provides you with the insurance and assurance you need, allowing for the fast recovery of business-critical data in the event of a disaster, helping you get back to business within an hour.
How can we help?
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